7 Deadly Sins
The basic goods of life are friendship, play, practical reasonableness, knowledge, aesthetic experience, and life. In light of discovering and understanding what is good for people to have we eventually may discover what is good to do. Doing the good forms our character. Character is the habituated promotion of basic goods and their use in constructing just civilization. Character defects occur when pain and pleasure distort the pursuit of one or more goods and results in the harming of one or more other goods. It appears that life is the good most often harmed.
Sloth- a lack of response to desire for the basic goods.
Lust- a desire for the unreal.
Pride- a lustful conception of self.
Gluttony- a desire for more than is proper.
Greed- a gluttonous desire for that which does not belong to you.
Envy- a greedy desire for that which is properly another's.
Anger- violent thinking or behavior stemming from the fear of losing what you have and/or of not getting what you want.