Monday, April 04, 2005

Hic verbum caro factum est

The latin translates roughly as "here the word became flesh." This statement is on a little plaque in the Church of the Annunciation in Nazareth. This statement also symbolizes the difference between wanting to know what I must do to be saved and becoming a follower of Christ. For my human living it describes the journey from ethics to ethos. Ethics is about knowing the rules, ethos is about a way of living based on sanctified desire. Today is the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord. You can find readings here, and a sermon here.


At 12:12 PM, Blogger Steve F. said...

I agree with you entirely - if all I'm looking for is a get-out-of-hell card, then life gets pretty empty, pretty quickly. The "how do I 'get saved' vs following Christ" comparison is like comparing the 1st step to steps 2-12. It's an important first step - but it's not all there is...

My post was more looking at the unbelievable gift of Jesus to the folks who killed him, compared to what churches set as expectations for salvation. But as Steven Curtis Chapman says, "there's more to this life than livin' & dyin' - more than just tryin' to make it through another day."


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