Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Equality, Justice, Freedom

God makes his grace equally available to everyone; He never stops loving us no matter what. He also made a basic template for human nature. When our "being" is aligned with that template (i.e. when we are just) then we experience serenity and we know peace. We then become free in our "doing" to live our lives with playfulness, spontaneity, and an appreciation of beauty.


At 6:43 AM, Blogger rorschach said...

True, except that there is no God, and there is no template.

Otherwise, well said!

At 6:06 AM, Blogger Steve F. said...

Ah, now there's a conundrum, brother. "When our being is aligned with that template" is about one day in four, on a good streak. I can allow my brokenness to cheat me of that freedom so often that I can forget it's there.

And of course, as the previous commenter suggests, if one refuses to believe in God, then there's no rules, no guidelines, no boundaries.

Nicky Gumbel (of the Alpha Program) tells a story (that illustrates your point) about being a parent at his son's soccer game, and the coach wasn't there. So they tried to lay out the field and start the game - but they didn't have the field markers, they didn't know the rules, and they didn't have a whistle. Pretty soon, people were crying foul, people were arguing about whether balls were "in" or "out," and there was chaos. Then the coach showed up (he'd screwed up the game time), and marked out the field, gave each teach their jerseys, and restarted the game. There were no arguments, a dramatic decrease in fouls, and the kids had more fun with "authority" and "rules" than they did when it was "just do your own thing."

Ralph Klein, OT prof at LSTC, describes the 10 commandments as "the boundaries of the playground in which humanity must play." I like that. And the funny part is that there's a pretty good overlap between the various religions - faithfulness to their god, rejecting murder, stealing, lying, infidelity - these are pretty much universal rules....indicating a pretty universal Source.


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